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Dave Hollis, Disney exec who quit job to help wife run a successful lifestyle empire, dies at 47

Dave Hollis, who formerly worked as an executive for Disney and later joined his wife in helping her manage a prosperous lifestyle empire, passed away at his home in...

Dave Hollis, Disney exec who quit job to help wife run a successful lifestyle empire, dies at 47

Dave Hollis, who formerly worked as an executive for Disney and later joined his wife in helping her...

You can now use iMessage on Windows: How to enable Microsoft’s Phone Link for iOS

If you have an Apple smartphone but a computer that runs Windows, then there is no way for...

Twitter to charge for two-factor authentication from March 20: How to use it without paying

Because Twitter is introducing its paid subscription package Twitter Blue, the company has been implementing a number of...

A new partnership makes special patrol satellites in space a reality

Therefore, it is becoming increasingly essential to make certain that these satellites are safe and secure. However, certain...

Tag: customer support


The Revolutionary Impact of ChatGPT: Transforming the World in 2023

Discover how ChatGPT, powered by the GPT-3.5 architecture, is set to revolutionize the world in 2023. From customer support to education, research, creativity, and mental health, explore the far-reaching impact of ChatGPT in this game-changing article.